
MMOA Racket MBR Turbo pro 1 unstrung


  • Made of high-grade 40T carbon fiber
  • Premium carbon fiber 40T / 30T
  •  7.0mm strong and high-elastic material
  • Wind resistance

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Racket weight: 84~88g

Racket material: Premium carbon fiber 40T / 30T
Racket Material: The racket is made of high-grade 40T carbon fiber. Designed upon the latest research, wind resistance is increased, making way for better swing speed and hitting power. The widened circle of the frame enables a better smashing experience and effect. The middle tube is made of 7.0mm strong and high-elastic material and with an 88-hole stringing pattern, reducing friction between the horizontal & vertical strings.

球拍材質:特級碳纖維40T / 30T球拍特色
球拍特色 : 球拍使用特殊高係數碳纖維40T製成,為最新研發框型,拍框為八角六角混合破風框,增加揮拍速度加強拍面扭力與擊球穩定性。拍框上圓加寬提升強力扣殺快感。中管為7.0mm高彈性材質,使用彈性強手感佳。搭配88孔設計,使拍線密度增加甜區放大,受力平均爆發力強。

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